AT HERO, We Believe in Giving Back
“I see this company as a platform to make a difference in the world”
- Josh Savage

Giving back allows us to step out of the daily grind of survival mode and realize the abundant gifts we have in this world. Whether that’s a warm home, hot food or a loving family, we are all very blessed.
Giving to others creates a feeling of gratefulness and appreciation for what we have, allowing us to clearly see our impact on those around us. Knowing in our hearts we impacted something important to us gives our lives meaning. At Hero Plumbing, we believe in giving back—making an impact from the inside of our company, out.
Giving Back By Taking Great Care of Our Employees

We also believe that in order for our employees to take great care of our customers, they first must feel that we’ve done the same for them. That’s why we offer top-notch healthcare, retirement and life insurance. It’s equally important that we make sure they have free time to enjoy their family and life outside of work. For us, this isn’t a place where we offer people jobs. This is where amazing men and women come to build a career and make an impact.
Hero is the Flagship Sponsor to World Encounter

World Encounter helps women in Tanzania start sustainable businesses that support their families & communities. These entrepreneur women inspire other women and create a ripple effect that extends to other families throughout their village.
We Make A Difference Locally

Whether it’s renovating the plumbing system in the home of a cancer survivor, donating furnaces to those in need, picking up trash at a local park or painting a garage for Habitat for Humanity, we’re committed to taking care of our neighbors throughout the community.
Farmers Markets

We believe farmers markets build community, and that’s why we are the #1 sponsor of Farmers’ markets in South Minneapolis. Farmers’ markets bring neighbors and small businesses together to chat, eat and learn about local food. They get the whole community out of our homes and talking to each other about healthy living. We feel the world needs more of this and that’s why we give back.
Simpson House
Minneapolis’s homeless population is large and seemingly growing daily. To help make a difference, Simpson Housing Services provides a warm meal and a place to sleep for men and women who would otherwise be on the street. Plus, they help these men and women find jobs and long-term housing. At Hero Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, we serve meals, pack lunches and help keep the plumbing and HVAC operational for Simpson.

So why does Hero give back so much?

My mom and dad have always inspired me. When it comes to giving back their actions always spoke louder than their words. They were constantly giving their time, talent and money to the church, family and their neighbors. Humble and hardworking people.
My uncle Curt was a missionary in India, Africa and Central America. He always had amazing stories of adventure and helped me understand the poverty and hardships in a developing country. As a young kid I remember setting a goal to build houses in Africa someday. Today we are the flagship sponsor of World Encounter, micro loan program for women in Africa, ran by my Uncle Curt.
When I was 13 years old I worked all summer for my father. I went into work with Dad in the morning and I came home from work with Dad at night. (Some of the best memories of my life was getting ice cream on the way home with Dad on a hot summer day.) The shop was in South Minneapolis at the time, and we saw the same homeless man 2-3 times per week. I got paid $2 per hour, paid out at the end of the summer. When it was time to get paid my father sat me down and explained the importance of tithing and giving back. I decided I wanted to help the homeless man we saw on the way into work. My father helped me find him, and I gave him $75 of my hard-earned money. The experience left quite an impression on me.