3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Guests Comfortable On Thanksgiving

Hosting Thanksgiving this year? Aren’t you lucky that you don’t have to wrangle all the kids, pack into the family vehicle and drive for what seems like forever to your relatives’ house. While you’ll probably be busy with the big bird and the side dishes, remember that your family did all of the above the come to your place. With that said, it’s all about making them feel at home and that starts with making them feel welcomed and comfortable.

Comfort in the Kitchen

Does your front or back door lead directly into your kitchen? Not only should you spruce up the entrance most of your guests will be passing through, keep in mind that opening and closing the door means cold air will blow through. You’ll also want to stop the cool draft coming in – you can do so with a door snake and a little bit of caulk for the cracks and gaps.

Comfort in the Living Room

If your family is like most families out there, the guests will likely end up in the living room to relax after filling up on the delicious food you cooked. There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting down next to a warm fire so it’s a good idea to get the fireplace going. You may also want to place a humidifier or an air purifier close by to promote a clean and pleasant indoor environment.

Comfort in the Bedrooms

With all of the cooking and the commotion going on in the main living spaces of your house, chances are the heat produced will travel into the bedrooms as well, especially if they’re located upstairs. For this reason, you can probably get away with lowering the thermostat a few degrees to cut down on heating costs.

Wishing all a very Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at Hero! And remember, for fast, quality, same day repairs on your heating system across Minneapolis – St. Paul, contact us today.


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