How Do I Replace My Furnace Filter?

Now that heating season is just about over, it’s a good idea to change
that filter. Why do it now? Well, what are the chances that you actually
remember to do it when fall rolls around and it’s time to get that
system back up and running? Replacing your furnace filter at the end of
the season is a great way to be proactive and make sure your system is
ready to go without any hiccups the next time you turn it on.

Locating The Filter

It can sometimes be difficult to find the filter in the first place. After
all, furnaces and ductwork can be quite complex and if you’re not
familiar with how the system works, you may not be able to locate the
filter right away.

Generally speaking, furnace filters are located inside the blower compartment.
If this isn’t the case with your system, it may be located in the
central return grill. Be sure to check both potential spots.

Removing The Filter

Before you dive in, make sure you turn the system off to be extra cautious.

You may find it a bick tricky to get a hold of the filter in order to remove
it. For this reason, we suggest making a pull tab out of tape before you
insert it into the system. You may be able to apply tape even after it’s
in place, if you forgot about this trick the last time you installed a filter.

Installing The New Filter

Most filters will have a directional arrow somewhere along the frame. The
arrow is there to show you which way to insert the furnace so it works
properly with the system. Make sure it’s secure before turning the
system back on.

Hero Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, we’re committed to keeping your home warm and safe, using the latest
in home heating technology. We carry high-quality, name brand furnaces
such as Payne, Bryant, & Carrier. After we help you select the perfect
furnace for your home, we also offer custom furnace installation in Minneapolis
and throughout the surrounding areas. Call us today at (612) 324-1004.

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