3 Ways to Lower Electric Bills in the Twin Cities This Winter

You already know how to seal your windows and doors to keep your home warm this winter, but did you know that there are numerous other energy consuming items that can cost you a pretty penny this season? It’s time to manage your home’s electrical devices to avoid skyrocketing electric bills. Follow the 3 tips below and start seeing changes immediately:

  1. Not in use? Unplug it! Even though your electronics are not physically turned on, they are still consuming electricity if they are plugged in. According to USA Today, “TVs, computers and other gadgets are guilty of sucking lots of energy day and night, even when you’re not using them.”

  1. Avoid peak hours. Running devices that consume electricity during peak hours is a definite “no-no”. Power companies change the cost of electric based on the time of day and operating during peak hours can cost your 30%-60% more.

  1. Go energy-friendly. We can’t stress enough importance on energy-efficient electronics. If your appliances do not have the Energy Star label you’re throwing money out the window. Similarly, simply changing your light bulbs to LEDs can make a dramatic difference when it comes to savings.

Keep in mind that your friends at Hero Plumbing, Heating & Cooling have been serving the Twin Cities for over 100 years. For fast same day, quality electrical services and solutions for your home or business in Twin Cities – St. Paul, call and speak with the team at Hero today.

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