4 Fastest Ways to Troubleshoot Your Programmable Thermostat

Technology can be your best friend, but it can also seem like your worst enemy at times. Sometimes, gadgets can be too smart for their own good, or at least they can seem too smart for the average homeowner but there’s no reason to get disgruntled. When it comes to having problems with a programmable thermostat, there are a few simple solutions that’ll get it back up and running in no time.

  1. Temperature Reading Doesn’t Seem Accurate: feel like your thermostat is giving you an inaccurate room temperature reading? This could certainly be the case. Digital thermostats often get knocked out of whack and need to be calibrated so that the set point and room sensors are brought back into balance. The instructions to perform this task can usually be found either in the manual or on the inside cover of the actual thermostat. If you can’t find it in either of these places, give the manufacturer a call.

  2. Wires Are Not Secure: if all seems in check, but there still seems to be an issue, check to make sure the wires and connections are correct. Sometimes, poorly connected wires can vibrate to an inactive state even though they look like they’re connected properly. All wire connections should be tight and no stray strands should be in contact with any other wires.

  3. The Screen is Blank: if your thermostat isn’t displaying anything at all, it could mean the batteries have died or that there is a tripped breaker or a blown fuse. Check to see if your thermostat is running on batteries first and change them if applicable. Otherwise, head to your circuit panel to check for a tripped breaker.

  4. The Digital Display Reads “HOLD”: when a thermostat is set to “HOLD” mode, it means all other program settings will be overridden. In most cases, you need to press the “hold” button again to engage the other program settings to return to normal operation.

Still can’t seem to fix the thermostat? That’s where we come in! The heating experts at Hero Plumbing, Heating & Cooling will help you diagnose and solve the problem right away so you can enjoy the comfort of a warm, cozy home this winter. Give us a call at (612) 324-1004.

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