How to Make Your Small Bathroom Better

Is living with a small bathroom driving you crazy? Old Twin Cities homes aren’t always equipped with extra square footage and renovating isn’t always an option. What can you do? You can make your small bathroom look and feel larger by following the tips below:

Corner Sink: have a pedestal sink that’s taking up lots of space and disrupting the only traffic lane in your bathroom? Placing a corner sink across from the toilet may free up the area.

Extend the Counter: if you need more counter space, extending it over the toilet is the perfect solution. You’ll be able to store your extra items without affecting the placement of the toilet.

Larger Mirrors: extending the mirror in your bathroom can enable to people to use it at the same time. It can also make the room feel larger than it really is.

Smart Storage: don’t have enough room to build shelves for your towels? Install a towel bar on your shower door. You still may need to store most of them in a linen closet nearby, but having one close by is essential.

Need an expert plumber to resolve a problem in your bathroom? Contact the experts at Uptown Plumbing today and we’ll be there right away!

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