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5 Natural Ways to Rid Your Home of Indoor Air Pollutants

We’re going to take an educated guess and say the air inside of your
home probably isn’t very clean. What do we mean by that? We mean
that there are lots of things you use on a daily basis that are actually
giving off toxic chemicals. Luckily, there are lots of quick and easy
ways to rid your home of indoor air pollutants and we’re sharing
them with you, below:

  1. Increase ventilation – especially while you’re cooking and bathing.
    Be sure to turn on the kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans and leave them
    on for 10-15 minutes after you’ve completed your task. In addition
    to using exhaust fans, open up windows on clear days when the allergy
    count is low.

  2. Stop using certain candles – those made from paraffin wax, that is. If
    you like to have your home smelling nice, choose candles made from soy
    or beeswax instead. Paraffin wax releases benzene, toluene and soot into
    the air which can cause serious health issues.

  3. Get rid of commercial cleaners – and opt for natural cleaning solutions
    instead. Most cleaners on the shelf at the store contain VOCs. Instead,
    make your own cleaner using water, vinegar and baking soda.

  4. Avoid using bathroom sprays – instead of using commercial bathroom sprays
    that contain harmful chemicals, put a few drops of your favorite essential
    oil inside the toilet paper roll. As you pull, a fresh, natural scent
    will be released into the air.

  5. Control your home’s humidity – because mold and mildew along with
    other toxic chemicals tend to prefer dark, damp climates. Humidity levels
    really shouldn’t be higher than 55% for a healthy environment.

To improve the air quality in your home in Twin Cities – St. Paul, call
and speak with the indoor air quality experts at
Uptown Air Conditioning today. We’ve been servicing the entire area for over 100 years so
you know you can count on us!

Schedule Now
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