Winterizing Your St. Paul – Minneapolis Home

Often times colder temperatures bring along higher utility bills. Find out what you need to do to winterize your home to be prepared for quickly dropping temperatures. With these simple projects you’ll be much warmer and you’ll save money this winter!

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, drafts can waste 5% – 30% of your energy use. Prevent drafts from entering your home by using a simple draft snake or a rolled up bath towel.

Run your ceiling fan in reverse. People often think of a fan as a way to cool down your home. However, by turning the fan on in reverse you can circulate warm air that has risen to the ceiling and pull it back down to the living space.

Give your heating system a tune-up. Give the experts at Uptown Plumbing, Heating & Cooling a call and schedule an appointment to have your furnace checked. A well-maintained, lubricated system can save you tons on your energy bills.

Make sure your ducts are sealed. According to Popular Mechanics, 10% – 30% of heated (or cooled) air in an average system escapes from ducts. Proper sealing can save up to $140 annually.

Connect with us on social media to stay up-to-date on ways to save money this season. We’ve been providing quality home service solutions for 100 years, since 1914, so you know you’re working with experienced professionals. Give us a call at (612) 324-1004 to schedule an appointment today!

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