What are some great ways to stay cool without cranking up the air conditioner this spring? There are lots of natural solutions you can try that won’t run up your energy bills such as utilizing ceiling fans and cracking open a few windows, but there’s one route you can take that can really have a large impact on your entire home.
It’s common for people to seek shade on a warm summer day. The air seems to be cooler in the shade and it’s a great way to lower your body temperature when it rises a few degrees. So why not apply the same principle to your home?
Believe it or not, planting large shade trees or bushes around your home can help keep its temperature down so you and your family members can be comfortable without running to the thermostat.
But there are a few things you should know before purchasing and planting:
How tall is the tree or bush going to grow?
How wide will it be when all is said and done?
Are there any buried cables or pipes underground that I need to worry about?
Will this type of plant/tree survive all year? Or is it seasonal?
How far down will I need to dig in order for the tree to survive?
When you go to the nursery to shop around, don’t be afraid to ask these questions. They’re all very important things to know before you begin the project.
Once the shade trees or bushes are planted, you’ll be on your way to a cooler home this spring and you can take advantage of lower energy bills – it’s a win-win. And remember, when you need air conditioning maintenance, service, repairs or installation this season count on the experts at Uptown!