It’s just another rainy morning in the Twin Cities. Or is it? This
morning you woke up and noticed that your basement was under water. Not
the start you were looking for, right? If only you had a sump pump ready
to rock and roll you’d be able to head out to work with a lot less
to worry about.
How Low Can You Go
The best place for a sump pump is the lowest area of the basement or crawl
space. This is where flooding tends to appear first. Why? If your foundation
isn’t completely sealed off, water can come in through the walls,
ground or windows.
Pump it Up
A home with a built-in sump pump will have what is known as a sump pit.
This is typically the lowest area of the home and therefore, it’s
where the sump pump should be installed.
Excess water can be directed out of the house through public drainage or
to an area that won’t be compromised by any waste materials. Wherever
you decide to pump excess water to, just be sure it’s far enough
away that it won’t end up back in your basement.
Moving on Up, and Out
Make sure you are using the right pump for the right application. Sump
pumps have different draw methods and can be operated in different conditions.
Some must be submerged at all times while others will work even if they’re
not completely covered.
Getting Back to Moving Forward
Most pumps have a “priming period” which means the pump does
not have water running completely through it. The pump will operate efficiently
once the pump is primed and is able to move water and not air. The pump
will run until it’s turned it off by you, a timer, or by the amount
of water in the area.
So, do you really need a sump pump? We think yes! It’s a safe and
effective way to arm yourself and your home from heavy rains and reduces
the risk of flooding which can lead to expensive repair bills. Give the
experts at
Hero Plumbing, Heating & Cooling
a call today to find out how we can help!