It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Families across the country are gearing up to enjoy spending time with family and friends for the holiday season, but the most wonderful time of the year can quickly become “the biggest headache of the year” if you’re not careful. If you’re hosting the party this season, avoid these common cooking mistakes that can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing system:
Keep Your Drains Clear By:
Depositing fats, oils and greases in the trash can or jar instead.
Wiping butter or margarine into the garbage before rinsing plates, bowls and utensils.
Discarding batter, icing and other thick baking items and sauces in the trash.
Being proactive and using BioOne to get rid of organic material that could cause blockages.
Keep Your Garbage Disposals Working By:
Keeping them free of stringy and fibrous foods.
Throwing bones from chicken wings, beef and the like in the garbage can.
Avoiding running coffee grinds down the disposal.
Checking to make sure the teeth have not corroded away.
From our Uptown family to yours, we’re wishing you a very safe and happy holiday season. And remember, you can enjoy on-time plumbing, heating and air conditioning repairs and new systems across Twin Cities – St. Paul areas with the professionals at Uptown Plumbing, Heating and Cooling.