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Holiday Decorating Safety Tips

What better way to kick off the holiday season than showing off your artistic ability and uniqueness with extravagant lights and decorations? The weekend after Thanksgiving has been dedicated to decorating homes across the world for years, so Uptown Plumbing, Heating and Cooling wants to make sure you and your family stay safe while putting up decorations.

See the checklist below for Holiday Decorating Safety Tips from ESFi.

Christmas Tree Safety

  • Place tree at least 3 feet away from all heat sources

  • Get rid of any lights with broken or worn cords or loose connections

  • Never connect more than 3 strands of incandescent lights together

  • Turn off all lights before going to sleep

  • Water tree daily

Electrical Cord Safety

  • Only purchase cords from authorized retailers – the cord should have a certification from (UL), (ETL) or (CSA)

  • Do not overload extension cords

  • Keep all outdoor cords clear of snow and standing water

  • Do not run cords through walls, doorways, ceilings or floors

Outdoor Decoration Safety

  • Make sure all extension cords and electrical decorations are marked for outdoor use

  • Fasten lights securely to trees, the house or firm supports

  • Inspect ladders for loose or missing screws, hinges, bolts and nuts before using

  • Avoid overloading electrical outlets with too many decorations or electrical devices

  • Turn off all decorations and lights before going to sleep

We want you and your family to have a very safe and happy holiday season. Please exercise extreme caution when putting up decorations. If you feel unsafe with any part of the process, give us call, we’d love to help!

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