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The Best Temperature for a Good Night’s Sleep

One minute you’re snuggling under the covers because you can’t get warm, the next you are kicking them off because it’s way too hot – we’ve all been there. Whether you prefer a nice cold air conditioned bedroom or a warm one, the perfect sleep temperature is one that can often be hard to find. Beyond comfort, the temperature of the room can affect your overall health and quality of sleep.  

So What’s the Best Temperature for A Good Night’s Sleep?

Think Comfortable.

Anywhere from 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit can help you get a good night’s rest. Your best bet is to start with a cooler temperature and add blankets or sheets as needed. If you are noticing that you are tossing and turning, lower the temperature 1 degree each night.

Cool but not too Cool.

A room that is too warm or too cold will mess with your body’s internal temperature. Your body naturally warms up when it’s time to rise, so if your room is too hot, you are more likely to wake up throughout the night. If it’s too cold, your body’s internal thermostat will struggle to get where it needs to be, also causing sleep interruption.

Finding a comfortable temperature can improve your quality of sleep, quality of REM, and even your dream stage. So the next time you are debating over windows or air conditioning, think about your perfect sleep temperature.

Looking to get your home cooled off? You know who to call! Uptown has been providing air conditioning service in the Twin Cities – St. Paul area for over 100 years! You can count on us!

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